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An Artistic Tour of Alma 23-31

Alma 24:12


“Our Swords Are Made Bright”

Marilyn Arnold & Maurine Ozment

Sacred Hymns of the Book of Mormon, 12

The Lamanites were a wicked and bloodthirsty people, disregarding the value of human life, as they did not know the God who had created them, and who is the Father of all mankind.  When Ammon and his brethren converted a group of them, they wanted to forever live in peace.  Their king encouraged them to make a covenant with God:

“Now, my best beloved brethren, since God hath taken away our stains, and our swords have become bright, then let us stain our swords no more with the blood of our brethren.”

Our swords are made bright, let us hide them away;

Our swords, let us stain them no more.

Our swords are washed clean through the blood of the Lamb,

Now bury them deep, I implore.

Alma 24:16


People of Ammon – Burying Their Weapons

Scott Snow

Alma 24:17


The Anti-Nephi-Lehies Burying Their Swords

Del Parson

Oil on canvas, 1982

Alma 24:18


Anti-Lehi-Nephis Bury their Weapons of War

Jody Livingston

Alma 26


“In My God I Do Rejoice”

Marilyn Arnold & Maurine Ozment

Sacred Hymns of the Book of Mormon, 13

After their years of trying and successful missionary labors, Ammon spoke enthusiastically about all the Lamanites who had been brought into the fold of God.  His brother Aaron rebuked him, saying that he was carried away with boasting.  

Ammon replied, “I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom; but behold, my joy is full, yea, my heart is brim with joy, and I will rejoice in my God.”  He goes on to praise God for all their success.

My heart is brim with joy; in my God I do rejoice.

In His praise I will lift up my voice.

In His praise I lift my voice.

We have reason to praise Him forever.

Alma 29

Alma 29


“Oh That I Were an Angel”

Marilyn Arnold and Maurine Ozment

Sacred Hymns of the Book of Mormon, 10

Meanwhile, back in Zarahemla, Alma, as leader of the church, was experiencing challenges as his people drifted in their faith and faithfulness.  The Book of Mormon records his heartfelt expression of longing to preach repentance to the whole world in such a way that they would have to believe.  But he immediately recognized how that plan is not God’s way, and that God has given to each person sufficient information for their time and place.

I’d speak with the trump, with the trump of our God,

With voice that could shake all the earth.

With thunderous voice I would cry to each soul,

Repent, O repent, and hear truth.

Alma 32

Alma 30:44

Book of Mormon Art

All Things Denote There Is a God   

Joan Layton Merrell

Acylic, gouache, colored pencil

      Many scriptures use things we see around us every day as symbols of the Savior and His gospel. I included scriptures within the landscape to visually connect the Creator with His wondrous creations, as referred to in Alma 30:44: “All things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it.”

Alma 30:44


Revelation and Truth

Samuel Aubrey Burt

oil on canvas

Alma said that “all things denote there is a God” (Alma 30:44). We believe that receiving revelation is receiving truth that illuminates our understanding. Similarly, the sun rising over the landscape in the morning illuminates our world, revealing the truth around us. This painting reminds me of the hope we have now and the hope we will have because of the greater light yet to come in this last dispensation of time.

Alma 19-22 Alma 32